Thursday, August 9, 2012

Just Waiting...

Have you ever been in a waiting period... it just seems to never end and your mind fills with all kinds of WHAT IFS.... I find myself playing out all kinds of scenarios. If this...then that... and if this other thing takes place- well then maybe God is trying to show me this... hmmmmm .  Mind be still and lay your burden down at the feet of Jesus. He is THE ONE who can see the outcome, he is THE ONE that has called you, he is THE ONE who can handle this tenuous life.
So, I am officially laying this down at the feet of Jesus. I don't know what is going to happen and it looks really overwhelming to me. Please help keep me accountable and remind me that JESUS has it under control. As a result of that, He alone will be glorified! I just have to be obedient and listen to Him :)
Okay, heart and ears- perk up like you never have before.

obey the LORD your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul

Help me to do this Lord Jesus, AMEN

We love these children :)

My Animoto Video